Trump breaks silence on calls to pardon George Floyd k!ller, Derek Chauvin

President Donald Trump said Friday that he wasn’t aware of the effort to have him pardon Derek Chauvin, the white police officer convicted of murdering George Floyd. ‘No I haven’t even heard about it,’ Trump answered Friday in the Oval Office. Floyd’s May 2020 death at the hands of Chauvin cued widespread protests and propelled the Black Lives Matter movement to the forefront of American politics.
Trump, in turn, ran counter to it during his quest for reelection that year. During one of Trump’s most controversial moments in office, Black Lives Matter protesters were tear gassed and H Street N.W. was cleared so that the Republican president could march over to Saint John’s Church and hold up a Bible. The historic yellow church located just steps from the White House had its basement nursery lit on fire during the demonstrations over Floyd’s death at the hands of Chauvin.